Crucial Steps to Homeownership

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Buying a property is often considered the great Australian dream, a house of your own is a worthy goal many people are striving towards. However, often it can be difficult to know where to start. The most important thing about goals is to have one that you feel is attainable. Here at Life Beyond Numbers, […]

5 Reasons to have Life Insurance

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Knowing what you need and want for insurance can be confusing at times. As life goes on, people get married, start building families and careers/businesses – there comes a time when life insurance becomes a fundamental part of the family financial plans. Depending on the type of policy you have, life insurance can fit into […]

5 Steps to your Self-Managed Super Fund

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‘You cannot dream of a future you don’t help create’ – anon.   Taking superannuation into your own hands is one of the many ways that you can take more control of your personal finances. Sometimes we can get caught up in the more difficult aspects of superannuation and struggle to see the benefits and […]

A Freelancers Guide to Tax


Started your own business recently and your service is in high demand? Great news – this article is for you. Whether you’re looking for tips and tricks when it comes to doing your taxes this year, or what counts as a deductible for your business in your report – you can find it all below.  […]

Top 5 Money Mistakes


Everyone can make mistakes, but some are more costly than others. Finding yourself making a mistake when it comes to your finances is avoidable with some coaching and a bit of awareness. Here are five top common money mistakes that you can avoid.   “If you don’t have it, you can’t spend it!” – anon.  […]

3 Tax Tips for Cryptocurrency 

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Learn how the ATO is responding to cryptocurrency If you exchanged cryptocurrency for goods, cash, or other cryptocurrencies recently, you need to be aware of how these will be taxed by the Australian Taxation Office. For example, a transaction is normally considered a disposal, for capital gains tax, and you may need to include a […]

Growth and Fixed Mindset

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Believing that there can be a better future is the first step towards attaining one So much of the way that we think about our future comes down to our perceptions. We often sit around thinking about ourselves, sometimes critically and other times less so. The way that we think about ourselves and our development […]

Your Mindset Determines Your Success in Life.

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‘What you think you become, what you feel you attract, what you can imagine you create’ – Buddha. One of the many wonderful things about being human is that we have a creative function (memory and imagination). Thus, it is possible that it is your mindset, not your circumstance, that determines your success in life. […]

How COVID-19 Affected Wealth for Australians

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The outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 began put the world on its head and Australia was no exception. The affect of widespread lockdowns, social distancing requirements and density limits forced people to work from home and changed the way that business was conducted. For some, they required help  navigate this situation and a government stimulus […]

A Financial Mental Health First Aider

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  With the ending of JobKeeper and the lagging effects of COVID on Australians and their businesses; Life Beyond Numbers Founder, Amit Aggarwal, decided to get accredited as a Mental Health First Aider to recognise and help people in distress. Below Amit shares his experience about why he felt this was important training to undertake […]